In 2021 we welcomed The Jokey Guy into our hearts and minds and, to the assumed chagrin of our neighbors, the window of our kitchen.
In 2022 he had a family.
Come, meet…
Hooligan, ruffian, general gadabout, Knifemouf is the vain one. With a mug like that who wouldn’t be?
The poet and true heart of the group.
frog. frog frog frog. frog?
”frog frog frog frog frog frog frog,” frog frog.
frog frog. frog.
Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the Cyclops, the Cyclops gazes also into you.
And kisses you.
The criminal. The philosopher. The lumps.
A love affair for the ages.
Penelope wants to speak to your manager. She’s dismayed by you liver and how much of it is still inside your body.
Having a family has sure changed the Jokey Guy.